Tideland: Archive of Endangered Spaces

08sep(sep 8)0:0030oct(oct 30)0:00ExhibitionTideland: Archive of Endangered Spaces(september 8) 0:00 - (october 30) 0:00 Onsite Gallery, Skovgaardsgade 5A, 8000 Aarhus CTYPE OF ACTIVITYEkstern kalender,Event,Exhibition,Onsite Gallery

Tideland: Archive of Endangered Spaces

Event Details

In march 2022, Tideland Studio traveled to Svalbard, Norway. From the depth of glaciers they extracted dense clouds of data trying to capture the traces of a changing climate.

But the virtual landscapes were as elusive as the arctic ice. It turns out, observing the world with laser precision brings no precise answers but fascinating new perspectives on a landscape caught between permanence and collapse.

This exhibition investigates the architecture of the archive through the interplay between digital and physical worlds, between scanning and fabrication, between science and fiction.

The Svalbard icescapes are the first entry in the Archive of Endangered Spaces. Over time they will grow the archive while researching methods and technologies that allow for spaces lost to change to be explored by future generations.

About Tideland

Tideland Studio is an architecture and research lab working at the intersection of ecology, technology and art.
‘Tideland’ describes an area alternately exposed and covered by the ordinary flow of the tide. For them, the word captures a valuable concept for interacting with our surroundings in a time of global change: Always with a focus on the temporal and fluid qualities of space.

Supported by: Statens Kunstfond, LINKED, William Demant Fonden, Dreyers Fond, Swienty A/S, Norse Projects, Fjällraven, Aarhus School of Architecture.


September 8 (Thursday) 0:00 - October 30 (Sunday) 0:00


Onsite Gallery

Skovgaardsgade 5A, 8000 Aarhus C