The visual theatre: Landscapes in music and poetics

24feb13:0014:00Ekstern kalenderThe visual theatre: Landscapes in music and poetics13:00 - 14:00 Didakteket, Arkitektskolen Aarhus, Exners Plads, 8000 Aarhus CTYPE OF ACTIVITYEkstern kalender,Public lecture

The visual theatre: Landscapes in music and poetics

Event Details

With the task of infusing the visual-sensory experience of a landscape into a musical dimension, Lewis Lazar will explore the architecture of sound as well as the more abstract concept of what we consider a landscape to be in poetics and lyricism, realism, and idealism in song, through different genres, from folk music to rock’ n’ roll.

Brief biography:

Lewis Lazar is a musician, painter, and writer. He founded the band Oracle Sisters, which has toured the world and has more than 100 million streams. Lewis has also produced music under his own name and for other artists. As a painter, he has exhibited in New York, Paris, and London.


(Monday) 13:00 - 14:00


Didakteket, Arkitektskolen Aarhus, Exners Plads, 8000 Aarhus C