The unique facilities at Aarhus School of Architecture are first and foremost dedicated to teaching and research activities. Still, the close collaboration with external relations are an essential part of our vision, Engaging through Architecture. Hence, it is occasionally possible for external parties to use the school as venue. First of all, the event should contain significant academic relevance for the school and our students and staff have the opportunity to participate.
You can apply for the loan of the school’s larger lecture rooms, the Auditorium, the Didaktek and Seminar rooms by filling in the form below. Please note that a fee may be charged and the price will depend on the nature of the event. It is not possible to use the school facilities for closed/private events or meetings. If the inquiry is met, you are as the organizer of the event fully responsible for the planning, coordination and execution. The school has compiled a list of guidelines in this regard.
Guidelines for the use of the school’s lecture rooms
If your application for the loan of the school’s facilities is accepted, you are as organizer fully responsible for the planning and execution of the event. At Aarhus School of Architecture, we are highly concerned about securing a good experience with high quality.
Therefore, we can assist on practical matters – please remember to refer to the specific agreement when you contact us:
- Arrangement and furnishing of lecture rooms: contact the school’s service team: drift@aarch.dk
- presentation set up, sound and AV: contact the school’s IT team: helpdesk@aarch.dk
- catering – contact our supplier Dinner de Luxe: mail@dinnerdeluxe.dk
- communication: contact the communications team kommunikation@aarch.dk
We strongly advice the organizer to start planning the event in due time; it is the responsibility of the organizer to ensure that this happens. We also recommend that the organizer visits the school prior to the event, so that all details are in place and the event will be a good experience for everyone. All event agreements with the school must be in writing or by e-mail.
About the lecture rooms
The auditorium
There is room for 225 people in the Auditorium. In addition to the large screen, the room is equipped with an advanced sound system that makes it possible to give presentations without the use of microphones. The room can be arranged and used in many different ways and for many different purposes.
The school’s Didaktek can accommodate up to 175 people. The room is equipped with a large rig in the ceiling with screens, projectors, sound and lights on all four sides. The room can be styled and used in many different ways and for many different purposes.
Seminar rooms
The school’s seminar rooms are larger teaching rooms that can accommodate between 40 and 60 participants. All rooms are equipped with modern and user-friendly presentation equipment and can be arranged and used in many ways.