In order to apply for enrolment, you are required to have graduated from an institute of higher education with a Master’s degree or similar based on five years of study (300 ECTS).
Secondly, you have to describe an individual PhD project within the area of the expertise covered by the school’s scientific staff and with enough news value, research potential and relevance to be approved by the school. The description must demonstrate your ability to organise a research project of this kind within the set timeframe. Supervision prior to enrolment is not provided.
In the assessment of project proposals, special emphasis will be on the project description but also on student grades and the ability of candidates to write scientifically.
How to become a PhD student
In applying to become a PhD student you have different options:
Employment as a PhD Fellow
A PhD scholarship is an opportunity to obtain financial support for your studies through employment. It covers your salary, guidance, teaching, workplace, equipment, assessment and publication of the dissertation.
To obtain a PhD scholarship at Aarhus School of Architecture, you must apply for a vacancy. All positions are advertised under Available positions and in relevant media.
All PhD scholarships at the school are related to the field of architecture and design, and the individual job postings describe the professional requirements and competencies to be met and all candidates are subject to a professional assessment by the assessment committee.
Employment as an Industrial PhD Fellow
An Industrial PhD lets you obtain funding for PhD studies through employment in a company. The fellowship covers your salary, the costs of supervision, courses, workspace, equipment, assessment and the printing costs of the thesis.
More about your opportunities for an Industrial PhD Fellowship
Submission of PhD dissertation without enrolment
For a fee, it is possible to submit a doctoral thesis for assessment without prior enrolment. This requires that the PhD Committee can approve the dissertation for assessment and assess that the author has otherwise obtained qualifications that can be considered equivalent to the PhD education.
When submitting the dissertation the author must also fill out the form Submission without enrolment (pdf in Danish)
More information:
Deadlines for applications are advertised in connection with vacant PhD positions under Open Positions. There are, however, no deadlines for applications for self-financed enrolment.