02dec(dec 2)10:3122(dec 22)10:31ExhibitionDRAWING OF THE YEAR 2016 EXHIBITIONDigital architectural drawings on display until 22 December10:31 - 10:31 (22) TYPE OF ACTIVITYExhibition


Event Details

Are you interested in digital architectural drawing? The drop by the Drawing of the Year 2016 exhibition where you can experience the winners of the international student competition and a curated sample of the submitted drawings.

On display is also a collection of personal videos that the participants submitted as supplements to their drawings.

When: 2 – 22 December 2016, Monday – Thursday: 10.00 – 15.00, Friday: 10.00 – 14.00
Where: Aarhus School of Architecture, Exhibition Building, Nørreport 22, 8000 Aarhus C

Digital drawing

The overwhelming amount of participants in this year’s Drawing of the Year competition suggests that the discipline of digital drawing is alive and thriving. The international student competition has received no less than 365 proposals from more than 64 countries. All the entries have explored the competition theme Habitation.

For the last three years, Drawing of the Year has focused on hand drawing as a celebration of the architect’s oldest tool. Previous submissions consisted of everything from the most delicate pencil sketches to complex metabolic renderings.

This year we wanted to explore the complexities of the drawing even further. Therefore Drawing of the Year 2016 focuses exclusively on sketches and drawings created using digital technology. The competition hereby challenges the perception of the digital drawing as being either “technical” or formulaic.

Drawing of the Year 2016 is sponsored by schmidt hammer lassen architects, VOLA and Danish Arts Foundation.


2 (Friday) 10:31 - 22 (Thursday) 10:31