10febAll Day01marExhibitionENCOUNTERING PLACES – EXHIBITIONDefining Region Midtjylland's DNA(All Day) TYPE OF ACTIVITYExhibition


Event Details

We all know cities like Skanderborg, Silkeborg, and Randers.

But what about Møldrup, Vinderup, or Åskov – smaller settlements that make up a large part of Region Midtjylland? How many of us are aware that the region has a large number of communities with just 50-400 inhabitants?

On 2 February, 140 Master Students visited more than 40 settlements in the Region and brought back drawings, photos, and findings that will be the foundation for discussing the future(s) of Region Midtjylland and how architecture can make an impact.

The student’s field trip was part of a three-day workshop that kicked off Aarhus Schools of Architecture’s contribution to Aarhus European Capital of Culture 2017.

You can explore the artefacts, a great photo wall, and a collection of videos from the various communities in the exhibition Encountering Places in the canteen.

When: 10 February – 1 March 2017, daily 9.00 – 15.00
Where: Aarhus School of Architecture, Canteen, Nørreport 16, 8000 Aarhus C

Entrance is free, and everybody is welcome.


February 10 (Friday) - March 1 (Wednesday)