17marAll Day21aprExhibitionEXHIBITION: NEW AARCHThe new school of architecture on display 17 March - 21 April(All Day) TYPE OF ACTIVITYExhibition


Event Details

On Friday 17 March, a unanimous jury announced young architects Brian Vargo, Jonas Snedevind Nielsen and Mathias Palle the winners of the Restricted Design Competition for the new school of architecture in Aarhus.

The winning project received praise for its pragmatic and flexible features as well as the powerful design.

But what does the new school of architecture look like, how will it interact with Godsbanen, and what about the fabrication facilities?

You have the unique opportunity to explore the winning project in an exhibition where all the participating projects in the Restricted Design Competition are on display.

The projects are presented with posters as well as a large model of the winning project and smaller scale models of all the five participating projects.

When: 17 March – 21 April 2017. Monday – Thursday: 10.00 – 15.00, Friday: 10.00 – 14.00
Where: Aarhus School of Architecture, Exhibition Building (1st floor), Nørreport 22, 8000 Aarhus C

Everybody is welcome and entrance is free.


March 17 (Friday) - April 21 (Friday)