26aprAll Day25mayExhibitionPROXIMATE NESTINGExhibition in the canteen(All Day) TYPE OF ACTIVITYExhibition


Event Details

Starting with an Artist Talk on April 26, Studio 2b presents ‘Proximate Nesting,’ displaying 1:1 constructs at the intersection of human behavior, computational articulation, and physical manufacturing.
These are constructions that examine acts in human nesting, generating analytical constructs inspired and instructed by an understanding of human behavior, from body to the territorial space occupied.

These are constructions that explore the strengths and weaknesses of procedural modeling towards concepts in aggregation; a contemporary technique in articulation that instills a methodology in assemblage.

These are constructions that test everyday materials, exploiting latent traits to create secure and robust personal environments from familiar textures and surfaces.
These are constructions situated in a compound of raw and unfinished spaces; an environment that instigates qualities of personal protection found in-and-through the act of nesting.

The exhibition will take place in The Canteen at Aarhus School of Architecture, and will be on display until May 25.

When: Artist Talk on April 26 at 15.00
Where: The Canteen, Aarhus School of Architecture


April 26 (Thursday) - May 25 (Friday)