TP3 LECTURE / EVREN UZER / Design for Spatial Justice

10mar14:0015:30Public lectureVirtual EventTP3 LECTURE / EVREN UZER / Design for Spatial JusticeCommunity engagement in the design studio14:00 - 15:30 TYPE OF ACTIVITYEkstern kalender,Intern kalender,Public lecture


Event Details


The design studio, which is central to the demonstration of practice and methodologies of design education and collaborative learning, is also an ideal starting point for discussing spatial justice and design practices. This talk will center on design justice as a set of values and principles and spatial design studio practice, focusing on collective work and ethical engagement with communities.

As the COVID19 Pandemic deepened impacts of existing inequities in the urban areas, how can we explore and address these issues ethically within spatial design education? What can be the protocols for our studio practices to embed design justice values?


Evren Uzer is a NYC based educator, urban planner and community practitioner working on civic engagement in planning and design and her current research focuses on activism, critical heritage studies and feminist spatial practices. She is Assistant Professor of Urban Planning at Parsons School of Design at the New School.

The lecture in online on Zoom. See link and meeting ID below.


(Wednesday) 14:00 - 15:30

Virtual Event Details

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