Xinema #6: Vivencia (Mud's synergy)

08mar17:0020:00Xinema #6: Vivencia (Mud's synergy)Documentary exibithion and brazilian food17:00 - 20:00 TYPE OF ACTIVITYEvent,Intern kalender

Xinema #6: Vivencia (Mud's synergy)

Event Details

Ricelli, a PhD fellow at Aarhus School of Architecture, will present a documentary about the construction of a sustainable house in Brazil as part of their academic activities.

The event will take place at the Institute for (X), March 8th from 5-8pm. Mud’s synergy is a story about more than 100 volunteers that never build a house before, getting together, living together, sharing values and materializing their values into architecture.


(Sunday) 17:00 - 20:00