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Oshinowo Studio seeks talented Architecture Interns

Published 17.12.2024

Job Summary :

This internship offers a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience in architecture, working closely with our experienced architects and designers on various exciting projects. This role will involve observing and contributing under supervision to various design projects, creating design plans, and collaborating with other architects to bring our client’s visions to life.

Job Description

– Assist under supervision the development of architectural designs from concept to completion.
– Assist under supervision in the preparation of detailed construction drawings using AutoCAD, Revit, and other design software.
– Assist under supervision in preparing client presentation documents using presentation software, such as Adobe Indesign, Illustrator and Photoshop.
– Assist under supervision in developing 3D models and renderings using software such as SketchUp, Lumion and other 3D tools.
– Observe and participate in project meetings and collaborate with team members to develop design solutions.
– Conduct research on individual projects, building materials, building codes, and sustainable practices.
Observe and participate in site visits to understand the space and gather necessary measurements and details.

If you are interested in joining us, please see the details of Oshinowo Studio point of contact below;
Name: Williams Folashade Ronke
Email Address: folashade.williams@oshinowostudio.com
Contact number: +2348160027335

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