PhD Defence: 3D Mapping of Vacant Buildings for Reuse

11mar13:0016:00Ekstern kalenderPhD Defence: 3D Mapping of Vacant Buildings for Reuse13:00 - 16:00 Auditoriet, Arkitektskolen Aarhus, Exners Plads 7, 8000 Aarhus CTYPE OF ACTIVITYEkstern kalender,Event

Fabers Fabrikker - Transformation

Event Details

Povl Filip Sonne-Frederiksen defends his PhD thesis, 3D Mapping of Vacant Buildings for Reuse.

The project seeks to tackle a critical challenge in the architecture, construction and engineering (AEC) industry: efficiently repurposing existing structures. In an era where sustainable development and environmental responsibility are paramount, the ability to reuse vacant buildings instead of demolishing them can significantly contribute to a circular economy. Read more

Join the defence via Zoom

  • 13:00 Welcome / Claus Peder Pedersen, Head of PhD School
  • 13:10 Lecture / Povl Filip Sonne-Frederiksen, PhD Fellow, Cand.arch., Aarhus School of Architecture
  • 13:55 Examination / Associate professor, Robert Sablatnig, TU Wien
  • 14:25 Break
  • 14:35 Examination / Associate professor, Pieter Pauwels, Eindhoven University of Technology
  • 15:05 Examination / Professor, Lotte M. Bjerregaard Jensen, Aarhus School of Architecture
  • 15:35 Contributions from the auditorium
  • 15:50 Closing / Claus Peder Pedersen, Head of PhD School
  •  – afterwards, drinks and snacks


(Tuesday) 13:00 - 16:00


Auditoriet, Arkitektskolen Aarhus

Exners Plads 7, 8000 Aarhus C