06apr01junExhibitionINFRAORDINARY DEPOSITSThree Works in Progress by PhD Fellow Espen Lunde Nielsen on display in the canteen(april 6) 0:00 - (june 1) 0:00 TYPE OF ACTIVITYExhibition

Event Details

The exhibition Infraordinary Deposits presents three works in progress by PhD Fellow Espen Lunde Nielsen from the on-going PhD project Architectural Probes of the Infraordinary: Social Coexistence through Everyday Spaces.

The infraordinary is understood as the opposite of the extraordinary and as that which is ‘worn half-invisible’ by use. Nevertheless, these unregarded spaces play a vital role to the social dimension of the city. The selected projects (‘urban biopsies’) on display explore how people coexist through these spaces and within the city itself, either through events in real-time or deposits over time.

The exhibition includes an interactive installation that explores the diversity and history of the Danish hot-dog kiosk, an essay-film recorded in various locations (across the US and Denmark) and a monument to Espen Lunde Nielsen’s grandmother’s kiosk that has seized to exist, but was an important social gathering point in the neighbourhood. The latter also includes a sound installation, where the life-story of the shop gradually unfolds during a coffee conversation.

Rather than adopting merely representational qualities, these experiments deploy site-specific critical spatial practices and thus re-choreograph the situations. Thus, they not only point to what the infraordinary city is (or was) but, more importantly, present a speculative prospection of what it might be.

As the exhibition is a work in progress, some parts may be subject to change along the way.

When: 6 April – 1 July 2016, daily 8.45 – 15.00
Where: Aarhus School of Architecture, The Canteen, Nørreport 18, 8000 Aarhus C


April 6 (Wednesday) 0:00 - June 1 (Wednesday) 0:00