The exploratory research network, Ecologies of Stone, is a three-year project funded by the Danish Council for Independent Research (Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond – DFF). Through network activities and workshops, it aims to explore and assemble scientific teams that connect across academic research, practice, and industry, bringing the quarry landscape and architecture together, and facilitating new synergies between institutions and research traditions. Activities are organized toward establish common research partnerships and project(s), and identifying common publication and funding opportunities.
Our common research questions are:
- How can global extractivist practices be examined and critiqued through new architectural proposals in massive stone?
- Can an architecture of massive stone be used to create deeper connections between landscape ecologies and building practice?
- Can massive stone be seen as a supplement or alternative to other common load-bearing materials, such as wood or concrete, in terms of the ecologies of extraction?
- How might the specific geology and building culture of the Nordic region contribute toward the reduction of global extractivist practices?
Partners and partner institutions:
Aarhus School of Architecture
Jonathan Foote, Associate Professor, project lead
Urszula Kozminska, Associate Professor
Marie Frier Hvejsel, Professor
Robert Trempe, Jr., Associate Professor
Nikola Gjorgjievski, Research Assistant
Hanne Gjelstrup, Research Coordinator
The Royal Academy, Copenhagen
Kirsten Marie Rauhauge, Professor MSO
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Ingfrid Lyngstad, Associate Professor
Nina Katrine Haarsaker, Associate Professor
Norwegian Geological Survey
(Norges Geologiske Undersøkelse-NGU)
Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE)
Björn Schouenborg, Senior Researcher
University of Waterloo, Canada
Jane Mah Hutton, Associate Professor
Lundhs, Larvik, Norway
Helene Nesheim, Mining Engineer
Webb Yates Engineers, London
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