Works & Words 2026
Biennale in Artistic Research in Architecture
About Works & Words Biennale 2026
Biennale in Aarhus, Denmark, March 5 – April 10 2026
Works & Words 2026
Biennale in Artistic Research in Architecture
Biennale in Aarhus, Denmark, March 5 – April 10 2026
Artistic research in architecture produces works. It involves specific investigations and experiments with materials, models, drawings, and images, to which aesthetic parameters are important, in a constant dialogue with ideas and concepts and an abundance of other varying parameters. Yet, it also involves a ceaseless negotiation of the ontology of the works of architecture as such, addressing the agency of those works – what they do – and how they may function as epistemic objects. This query touches upon questions of authorship and autonomy, on the works’ situatedness as well as their enigma.
Artistic practice in architecture is attentive to the independence and integrity of materials, things, and beings. It may concurrently treat the works that it produces as ends in themselves and as instigators of recognition and resonance. Yet, how do we develop a meaningful conversation about those works and how they actually work?
Furthermore, artistic research is a mode of knowledge production. It combines the making of works with the writing of words. The order of works and words is not given but varies from project to project, from architect to architect. Of special interest to WORKS + WORDS 2026 Biennale in Artistic Research in Architecture is how the works and the words can meander around each other in a mutual semantic relationship rather than being only words explaining works. This means that the words, as well as the works, can form their own artistic or poetic entry, however, always in a meaningful, resonating relationship.