Publication / 2009

Publication / 2009
Our coasts are a pivotal issue in the climate debate. Increased water level means major physical changes. Approach the Coast unfolds a wide range of approaches to the coast. From architectural proposals to developing specific localities in both Denmark and Europe into conceptual contributions that more abstractly circle around the coast as concept and metaphor.
Approach the Coast gives a multifarious and varied picture of the coast as phenomenon, as specific locality, and as architectural potential. This is done through student projects, methodological and educational presentations and research-related texts and projects. The localities include Blokhus, the Tønder Marsh, Mandø, the Harbour of Copenhagen, Dover, and Rügen – each with its distinctive geographical and topological features.
The book is the result of a combined research and educational course at the former Department of Architecture, Aarhus School of Architecture.
The book is in English and Danish language.
Title: Approach the Coast (UK)
Format: 23,50 x 16,50 cm
Published: 2009
Language: Danish/English
ISBN: 9788790979249
Publisher: Arkitektens Forlag
Binding: Softcover
Page count: 160