Publication / 2011

Publication / 2011
Against the background of unequal regional development and new urban/rural relationships, this book outlines the contours of an urbanism of entanglement.
The book pivots around a design based investigation into two polarised Danish urban landscapes. Urban design is here reconceived as a relational practice that mediates processes of continuous transformation. This practice works by entangling existing as well as proposed material conditions, ideas and practices. In this context, site survey is considered the key to formulating design strategies.
A pioneering piece of urban design research, the book demonstrates how actor-network-theory can explicate urban design as both knowledge form and design action.
The book is with a preface by Thomas Sieverts:
“Anne Tietjen develops a new methodology, applying Bruno Latour’s actor-network-theory. Very simplified, it means to identify all the factors which influence the performance of the site – human factors, geographical factors, infrastructure, nature etc. – regardless their “material” or “non-material” status, and to analyse, not so much how they look, but what they do!”
Title: Towards an Urbanism of Entanglement – Site explorations in polarised Danish urban landscapes
Format: 17 x 24 cm
Published: 2011
Language: English
ISBN: 9788790979270
Publisher: Arkitektens Forlag
Binding: Softcover
Page count: 152