It is very easy to search for images in Flickr or Google, but it can be difficult to decipher whether you are allowed to use the images you find.
If you want to be certain that you can use the images you find, you can take advantage of the following services free (or almost free) of charge:
- Creative Commons is a non-profit organization which aims to facilitate the sharing of material in a legal and transparent manner. Creative Commons provides search features for when you are exclusively looking for free material. When you find an image through Creative Commons, different symbols tell you, what you can do with the photo.
- Everystockphoto is a search engine for images with Creative Commons (CC) licenses.
- Freeimages is a search engine that offers 400.000 free stock photos.
- TU Berlin Architecture Museum Collection: Catalog records for more than 136,000 drawings, prints, and photographs, most of which have digital images available. Of these images, more than 77.000 are in the public domain and free to download and use without restrictions.
- Fotolia offers over 34 mil. royalty free stock photos that can be bought for small amounts.
- Flickr is a digital tool for managing your own photos and sharing with others.
Note: if you want to search for CC images in Flickr, select advanced search and tick the box Only search within Creative Commons-licensed content
Other useful databases without royalty free images
- Arkitekturbilleder.dk: Danish architecture from the 20th and 21st century documented by the library at the The Royal Academy of Fine Arts. Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation. The images are free of charge, but permission for use has to be given.
- Cities and Buildings database: An image database with app. 10.000 images of buildings from around the world. The database is driven by the library at Washington University.
More about copyrights
The library at the Aarhus School of Architecture is a public research library that covers topics such as architecture, construction, design, sustainability, and planning. The library has over 50,000 books and about 150 journals. We offer access to the most important relevant reference databases and the material laboratory MLAB can be found in the Library’s basement.
The Library is integrated into the school’s research and study activities. We provide guidance in information retrieval, source criticism, copyright, the reference management tool Zotero and how to use good documentation practices. We also take part in communicating the school’s many research activities, and we manage the research database in which the staff register their academic work.
At the library, you will find both quiet workplaces and group work settings. You are welcome to bring your laptop, lunch, and materials to the Library.
The Library at the Aarhus School of Architecture is open to all. All Danish residents, as well as foreign students with a student ID for a Danish institution, can be registered as borrowers at the Library, just remember to bring your medical card. The medical card is your library card.
When registering as a borrower at the Library, you are obliged to comply with the current rules.
Opening hours
- Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 10.00 – 16.00 (15.00 – 16.00 manned by student workers)
- Wednesday 10.00 – 18.00 (15.00 – 18.00 manned by student workers)
- Friday 10.00 – 15.00