At the Library, you will find more than 50,000 books about architecture, construction, sustainability, design and urban planning as well as related topics. Use the Library’s database ALI for searching our collection. If you can’t find what you are looking for in ALI, try Bibliotek.dk where you can search the catalogues of all Danish libraries.
Journals, articles and reference databases
The library subscribes to more than 150 journals within architecture, design, construction and urban planning. The Library also provides access to some of the most important reference databases in the field.
Digital resources
The school provides its employees and students with access to the following digital resources:
- Altinget is an independently owned public service news provider on political news in Denmark. We have IP-access to the portals: By og bolig, Digital, Energi og klima, Forskning, Forsyning, Miljø, Uddannelse. Send an email to the library if you want to have the Newsletter for one or more of the portals. In Danish only.
- Building Types Online is a database that comprises the knowledge and content of selected Birkhäuser manuals in typological order. The approximately 850 case studies are documented with texts by authors who are experts in their fields and include around 5000 architectural drawings of high quality as well as 2000 photographs of the buildings.
- Byrummonitor provides you with newspaper articles about urban development, planning, and architecture, as well as reviews of architecture from Politiken Byrum. In Danish only.
- DETAIL Inspiration is an image and reference database with more than 3,400 projects from more than 30 years of DETAIL Magazine.
- Ordbogen.com is an online dictionary. The school provides access to Danish/English and English/Danish.
- ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global is a collection of PhD dissertations and Master’s theses from around the world, spanning from 1743 to the present day and offering full text for graduate works added since 1997, along with selected full text for works written prior to 1997.
- TRÆCAD contains more than 400 quality controlled building details for wooden houses and wooden structures on buildings of masonry, concrete, etc. All drawings are in DWG format, comply with BIPS layer structure 2005, and are easy to import and edit in your CAD system. Web site only in Danish. Login info on Intra.
You have access to these resources only at Aarhus School of Architecture or with VPN.
Films, tv and lectures
The Library provides access to DVD’s and recorded lectures. We also provide access to several audio visual collections about architecture, design and the talented people behind.
Images and copyright
It is very easy to search for images in Flickr or Google, but it’s difficult to decipher whether you are allowed to use the images you find. Use the image databases that the Library recommends, and read our copyright guidelines to make sure that you don’t violate the rights of others.
The library at the Aarhus School of Architecture is a public research library that covers topics such as architecture, construction, design, sustainability, and planning. The library has over 50,000 books and about 150 journals. We offer access to the most important relevant reference databases and the material laboratory MLAB can be found in the Library’s basement.
The Library is integrated into the school’s research and study activities. We provide guidance in information retrieval, source criticism, copyright, the reference management tool Zotero and how to use good documentation practices. We also take part in communicating the school’s many research activities, and we manage the research database in which the staff register their academic work.
At the library, you will find both quiet workplaces and group work settings. You are welcome to bring your laptop, lunch, and materials to the Library.
The Library at the Aarhus School of Architecture is open to all. All Danish residents, as well as foreign students with a student ID for a Danish institution, can be registered as borrowers at the Library, just remember to bring your medical card. The medical card is your library card.
When registering as a borrower at the Library, you are obliged to comply with the current rules.
Opening hours
- Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 10.00 – 16.00 (15.00 – 16.00 manned by student workers)
- Wednesday 10.00 – 18.00 (15.00 – 18.00 manned by student workers)
- Friday 10.00 – 15.00