Publication / 2009

Publication / 2009
To many people, investments in improved infrastructure is a question of making their everyday lives work, if they are to be able to realise their desires for attractive homes.
The issue concerning access to a landscape which is increasingly becoming part of the ‘urban scenery’ and consequently cannot as easily as previously be set aside exclusively for food production is becoming relevant to a growing and increasingly mobile population.
Competition between municipalities (areas of taxation) and taxpaying companies and citizens, who are increasingly mobile, result in discussions about local identities in a regional context.
The report presents this development through specific examples from Eastern Jutland and also discusses how this development influences the notion of the ‘city’. In conclusion the study is put into perspective in relation to central issues of specific urban policies and planning strategies.
Language: Danish
Publication date: 2009
Place of publication: Aarhus
Publisher: Arkitektskolens Forlag
Number of pages: 160
ISBN (print): 978-87-909-7925-6