Publication / 2016

Publication / 2016
Industrial production forms are currently undergoing a transition from being standardised to becoming customised. The change is evident for instance in architecture, arts and crafts, and industrial design. The use of robotics in the building industry allows new forms of variation and expression.
The publication Digital Fabrication in Tomorrow’s Architecture is a documentation of an Open Room seminar at Aarhus School of Architecture. The seminar offered perspectives on what potentials for development lie in digital fabrication in the future. How can architects and designers become more involved in fabrication? How can other professions become more involved in design processes and what impact will this have on how we can build?
The booklet contains contributions from:
Title: Digital Fabrication in Tomorrow’s Architecture
Published: 2016
Language: English
ISBN: 978-87-90979-59-1
Publisher: Arkitektskolens Forlag
Binding: Softcover
Pages: 54
Price: 75 DKK
Download the publication as PDF:
OPEN ROOM is a series of five publications, which follows a series of seminars dealing with current themes in society.