Publication / 2015

Publication / 2015
Questions of Representations in Architecture is the title of a new publication from Aarhus School of Architecture Publishers. It is edited by Associate Professors Anne Elisabeth Toft from Aarhus School of Architecture and Christina Capetillo from KADK.
The book is the first major Danish contribution to the current international discussion on architects’ use of representations and the significance of visual media for architecture. Bringing together various statements and works from practicing architects, theorists, and visual artists, the book addresses the role of representations and media in the architectural design process.
Richly illustrated with graphic material – drawings, photographs, renderings, collages, diagrams, et cetera – and displaying a heterogeneous structure, the publication presents as equally valid articles, works, interviews, and a large collection of examples of representations.
It provides an essential context for an understanding of the function and practice of architectural representation today. It is highly recommended reading for both academics and practitioners in architecture, the visual arts, art history, and media theory. Yet it will also intrigue anyone who is fascinated by images, interested in architecture, or just curious about architectural representations and architects’ use of media.
Authors contributing to Questions of Representations in Architecture:
Stig Lennart Andersson, Victor Burgin, Christina Capetillo, Beatriz Colomina, Cristina Díaz Moreno and Efrén Gª Grinda, Walter Niedermayr, Dag Petersson, Martin Søberg, Anne Elisabeth Toft, Yoshiharu Tsukamoto, and Philip Ursprung.
The book is available at and
Title: Questions of Representations in Architecture
Format: 24 x 28 cm
Published: 2015
Language: English
ISBN: 978-87-90979-43-0
Publisher: Arkitektskolens Forlag
Binding: Hardcover
Page count: 220
Price: 350 DKK