The library subscribes to more than 150 journals within architecture, design, and urban planning. The library does not, however, hold all the journals indexed in the databases below.
Journals at AAA Library 2024 (PDF)
Avery – Index to Architectural Periodicals The Avery database is a comprehensive listing of journal articles on architecture since 1934, covering the history and practice of architecture, landscape architecture, city planning, historic preservation and interior design and decoration. Access only at Aarhus School of Architecture or with VPN.
RIBA – British Architectural Library Catalogue Major English article database about architecture that covers the period from 1978 and onwards.
Infomedia is a major Danish media archive that contains articles from national, regional, and local newspapers, magazines, trade magazines, journals, net based media, as well as news telegrams and content from tv and radio broadcasts in the form of excerpts from subtitles and keywords. The articles covered have been published from 1990 to the present and are available in full text (without illustrations). The search interface is in Danish. Access only at Aarhus School of Architecture or with VPN.