Drawing of the Year 2019 exhibition

28nov(nov 28)10:0019dec(dec 19)16:00EventFeaturedDrawing of the Year 2019 exhibitionThe winners and special mentions(november 28) 10:00 - (december 19) 16:00 Dokk1, Hack Kampmanns Plads 2, 8000 Aarhus CTYPE OF ACTIVITYEkstern kalender,Event,Intern kalender

Event Details

On 28 November the winners of the international drawing competition for architecture students, Drawing of the Year, was announced. Now you can see the winner drawings and special mentions at Dokk1, where they are exhibited until 19 December 2019.

The aim of the competition was to continuously explore new tendencies in architecture through architectural drawing and to challenge the use of new techniques and mixed media. The competition received 124 proposals from more than 45 countries. All entries have explored the competition theme Post Human Metamorphosis.

The exhibition is supported by Vola and Schmidt, Hammer Lassen.

Open to everyone during Dokk1’s opening hours.

Read more about the competition



November 28 (Thursday) 10:00 - December 19 (Thursday) 16:00



Hack Kampmanns Plads 2, 8000 Aarhus C