01decAll Day14ExhibitionDRAWING OF THE YEAR 2017 EXHIBITIONExplore digital drawings and interactive drawing machines 1 - 14 December(All Day) TYPE OF ACTIVITYExhibition


Event Details

Enjoy a world of digital drawings at the Drawing of the Year 2017 exhibition where you can experience the winners of the international student competition and a curated sample of the submitted drawings.

For the playful among the audience, the exhibition offers interactive drawing machines. On display is also a collection of personal videos that the participants submitted as supplements to their drawings.

Furthermore, the exhibition shows a variety of analogue drawing tools sponsored by architecture bookstore Archi Tegn and special edition classic fix pencils sponsored by Viking/Caran D’Ache.

When: 1 – 14 December 2017, Monday – Thursday: 10.00 – 15.00, Friday: 10.00 – 14.00
Where: Aarhus School of Architecture, Exhibition Building, Nørreport 22, 8000 Aarhus C

Digital drawing machines

The exhibition features four interactive drawing machines from the workshop Drawing Devices where students used old printers or cheap electrical components to explore motion’s effect on drawings. The workshop was taught by teachers Jens Pedersen and Thomas Lee.

  • Autonomous Paintings is a collaborative piece, where you can insert robots dipped in paint wherever you please in a painting. The machine negates the notion of an “artist” since the creating role of the painting is that of an autonomous agent, the paper and the initial placement of the robot. Designed by: Jens Pedersen.
  • Seismograph. As the device is passed, registering happens, and the seismographic lines start to appear. The drawing thereby becomes the mapping; the device becomes the mapper and passers-by become the mapped. Designed by: Erik B. Bruntse, Morten Hagemann, and Frederik Valdemar R. Andersen.
  • Speculative Perpetual Machine aims to constantly develop its output through several components, which work autonomously in cohesion to produce a drawing. The audience can interact with the machine by pressing various buttons. Designed by: Jacob Hersoug, Lotte Fredensborg, Marianne Nilsen, and Mathias Kruse.
  • Moving Light produces abstract drawings dependent on how the machine’s four light sensors are affected. The machine is interactive, so the audience is encouraged to make a drawing by turning on the machine and using the flash on, e.g. a phone as the source of light. Designed by: Mille H. Christensen, Christine B. Steffensen, and Lars B. Jensen.
Drawing of the Year 2017

The competition has focused exclusively on sketches and drawings created with digital technology. The competition aims to explore new tendencies in architectural drawing and challenge the use of new techniques and mixed media.

Drawing of the Year 2017 has challenged the contestants to explore how digital drawing can push the boundaries of the perception of drawing as a craft.

The international student competition received 234 proposals from more than 48 countries. All entries have explored the competition theme Everyday Utopia.

Drawing of the Year 2017 is sponsored by schmidt hammer lassen architects, VOLA and the Danish Arts Foundation.


december 1 (Friday) - 14 (Thursday)