“Quitting her, she glided to the door, softly turned the key in the lock, ascertained that it was fast, and came back. She bent over her. She threw back the curtain to admit the moonlight more freely. She gazed intently on her face.”
Charlotte Brontë

From the 3rd of June to the 12th of September you can see the exhibition “Insiders: Othered Histories” by Carolina Dayer in the ONSITE GALLERY. On the 3rd of June at 15.30 the exhibition will be opened at Exners Plads 7. The exhibition will be open from 12 to 17 during the week.
Carolina Dayer describes the exhibition like this:
“Look around your home, what stories does a room tell? Who made those walls? Who stared through that window? How did we arrive to these interior worlds? Inspired by 19th century European female genre painters, workers, writers and thinkers that constructed intricate, yet unknown notions of domestic space, this project imagines two rooms where traditional interior characters are re-presented to stimulate and dismantle notions of interiority. Those once othered become central to the making of an ambiguous architecture where material presence and spatial relocation spark wonder. Undesigned rooms, untold stories, unexhibited artists, their cultural and social contribution teaches us about spaces we may have forgotten and relationships we may have not seen.”

Carolina Dayer, Ph.D and Architect, is Assistant Professor in Architecture at Aarhus School of Architecture and Design Associate Editor of the Journal of Architectural Education (JAE) since 2017. Her research, teaching, and original work centres on theoretical and practical studies in the fields of architectural drawing, material culture and habitation. She has published, exhibited and lectured internationally, and organized symposia on matters of the imagination. Her co-edited books Confabulations: Storytelling in Architecture (Routledge, 2016) and Activism in Architecture: Bright Dreams of Passive Energy Design (Routledge, 2018) expose the wide range of her research and interests.

The exhibition is sponsored by Kvadrat and ege, and ONSITE GALLERY is supported by the Danish Arts Foundation.