11aprAll Day05mayEkstern kalenderUDSTILLING: NOSTALGIAKONTUR Spring Exhibition 2024(All Day) Onsite Gallery, Skovgaardsgade 5A, 8000 Aarhus CTYPE OF ACTIVITYEkstern kalender,Exhibition


Event Details

Experience KONTUR’s spring exhibition 2024 in the ONSITE Gallery.

Your Nokia phone is making a loud noise, it’s a text from your mom who wants you to come home. It’s Easter 2008 and you are going to paint eggs with your siblings. It’s not 2008 anymore, and this Easter, instead of painting eggs, you can be a part of Konturs spring exhibition about NOSTALGIA!

Nostalgia is remembering forward and thinking backwards. It’s a longing or a wistful affection for a period in the past. Kind of like window shopping through your brain. Never entering a memory because then the nostalgia can turn into something else, like sentimentality or melancholy. Which is a whole different feeling – or is it?

The feeling of nostalgia is a feeling that’s hard to reenact. Because sometimes the memory is blurred by time. It could be that the feeling of looking back is romanticized. That actually the memory is fake, it’s fake nostalgia.

Exhibition opening is the 11th of April in Onsite Gallery – everyone is welcome.


April 11 (Thursday) - May 5 (Sunday)


Onsite Gallery

Skovgaardsgade 5A, 8000 Aarhus C