PhD Defense: Responsible Architecture: Relational Approaches to Sustainable Behavior In Design

13nov13:0016:00EventPhD Defense: Responsible Architecture: Relational Approaches to Sustainable Behavior In Design13:00 - 16:00 Seminarrum 2.4TYPE OF ACTIVITYEkstern kalender,Event

PhD Defense: Responsible Architecture: Relational Approaches to Sustainable Behavior In Design

Event Details

Ricelli Laplace Resende defend their PhD thesis, Responsible Architecture: Relational Approaches to Sustainable Behavior In Design. The project is a practice-based research project that strives to develop a critical framework for the integration of relational approaches to promote sustainable behavior in architectural practice and learning. It investigates the relationship between sustain­able practices in architecture and the prevailing architectural perspectives (its world­views, values, and practices), and it evaluates the necessary transformation these need to undergo in response to our time’s increasing environmental and social challenges.

Read more about the project

  • 13:00 Welcome / Claus Peder Pedersen, Head of PhD School
  • 13:10 Lecture / Ricelli Laplace Resende, PhD Fellow, MA of Global Environmental Studies, Aarhus School of Architecture
  • 13:55 Examination / Andrea Botero Cabrera, Professor, Aalto University
  • 14:25 Break
  • 14:35 Examination / Felicity Atekpe, Associate Professor, The Bartlett School of Architecture
  • 15:05 Examination / Morten Daugaard, Associate Professor Emeritus – chairman, Aarhus School of Architecture
  • 15:35 Contributions from the auditorium
  • 15:50 Closing / Claus Peder Pedersen, Head of PhD School
  • – afterwards, drinks and snacks

Watch via Zoom


(Monday) 13:00 - 16:00


Seminarrum 2.4