Photobook Week

02novAll Day05Ekstern kalenderPhotobook WeekFuture Revisited(All Day) Biblioteket, Arkitektskolen Aarhus, Exners Plads 7, 8000 AarhusTYPE OF ACTIVITYEkstern kalender,Event

Photobook Week

Event Details

Join us in celebrating Photobook Week Aarhus’ 10th anniversary under the theme: Future Revisited.

Photobook Week Aarhus (PWA) is celebrating its tenth edition from 2-5 November 2023. The festival has existed since 2014 as a collaboration between Aarhus School of Architecture and Galleri Image. It reflects a continuous study of the discourse of photobooks.

PWA’s main venues are Aarhus School of Architecture, ARoS Aarhus Art Museum, and Galleri Image. Other venues include HEART Herning Museum of Contemporary Art, Dokk1, and Godsbanen.

The festival programme is dedicated to exhibitions and talks about publishing, researching, distributing, buying, trading, and collecting photobooks. Also, both new and vintage photobooks can be purchased at the festival.

Participation in the festival is free of charge, and everyone is welcome.