09mar13:00Public lectureSIZE DOES NOT MATTERPublic Lecture by Estudio Enorme13:00 Didakteket, Arkitektskolen Aarhus, Exners Plads, 8000 Aarhus CTYPE OF ACTIVITYEkstern kalender,Intern kalender,Public lecture


Event Details

Unit 2/3 F is hosting the partners of Enorme Studio, that will share their research and work in compact living and experimental design.

A public lecture will be held in Didaktek at 1pm on Thursday 9th March 2023:


Size does not Matter

By Enorme Studio



After University, we thought we would change the world by
designing a city in China or building a Europan project.

About Enorme

ENORME Studio is an
architecture and design office based in Madrid and led by Rocío Pina and
Carmelo Rodríguez.

ENORME is best characterised by their radical approach to
architecture, city and people. They design and build architecture projects
based on industrial systems and typological innovation, as well as perform
participation dynamics in the domain of city construction. Their aim is to
foster alternative ways to examine urban issues and to motivate the creation of
a proactive citizen culture.

They design and apply tactical urbanism tools that transfer
teamwork strategies and collective thinking dynamics into public and private
space design and management.

ENORME’s aim is to give the city back to citizens as an
emotional, plural and relational space.

Their work has been
exhibited at Mostra Internazionale di Architettura de La Biennale di Venezia,
Bienal de Arquitectura y Urbanismo Española, MOMA Museum of Modern Art, Oslo
Architecture Triennale “After Belonging” among others and their production has
been published in the most important media including Domus, AV, The New York
Times, The Guardian, Arquine or El Pais.


(Thursday) 13:00


Didakteket, Arkitektskolen Aarhus, Exners Plads, 8000 Aarhus C