Theory of Science for PhD Fellows part 2
Aarhus School of Architecture
8-9 May 2025 (part 1) and 22-23 May 2025 (part 2)
NB! The precise time at which each day of the course begins and ends will be announced at a later date. The described hours are, therefore, not final.
This course provides a basic and thorough introduction to the theory of science from a historical and disciplinary perspective. The course focuses mainly on the humanities, concepts of knowledge from the social sciences, and design-based research approaches, such as research-through-design. The course aims to provide participants with a broad understanding of different scientific theoretical positions and, in particular, their criteria for validity, reliability, and credibility. The course will also touch upon methodological research issues and enable participants to place their research projects on a broader science theoretical perspective.
The course will be based on presentations and joint discussions and will involve the participants’ research projects to a limited extent. The course requires preparation in the form of a course syllabus.
Presenters: Lotte M. Bjerregaard Jensen, Marie Frier Hvejsel, Niels Albertsen, Martin Odgaard, Claus Peder Pedersen and Anders Troelsen.
Registration: Contact PhD Coordinator Mia Mimi Flodager,
Deadline for registration: 1 May 2025