At Aarhus School of Architecture, we believe that architecture should influence the world and create sustainable settings for people who live in it. This is why we educate architects who, through new ideas and relevant solutions, can create value for the community in a changing world – a world which increasingly challenges us to think creatively in order to exist, to live, and to thrive.
We do this by working closely with other professional groups, by embracing new technologies, by daring to experiment, and by constantly acquiring new skills.
Through our artistic approach, we find new ways. Through scientific studies, we find new answers. And through practical application, our theoretical knowledge is transformed into professional skills.
Our ambition is to be a Scandinavian elite institution for the development of architecture. We want to train the best architects by admitting the most qualified students – the most talented and most motivated.
We take responsibility for and engage in the community which we are a part of.
Our approach is Engaging through Architecture.