The Library at the Aarhus School of Architecture is a public research library. All permanent residents of Denmark, as well as foreign nationals in possession of a student ID card for a Danish institution of higher education, can be registered as borrowers against the production of a health insurance card. Your health insurance card will function as your borrower’s card.
By registering, the borrower undertakes to comply with existing rules.
The person who is registered as having borrowed material is liable for the borrowed material and is responsible for it being returned to the Library undamaged.
The borrower must notify the library of changes in postal and email addresses; the borrower is also responsible for settling any accounts before leaving Denmark permanently or for a longer period.
Loan periods
The loan period is one month for books, and 14 days for DVDs and magazines. DVDs are available for borrowing only to students and employees at the Aarhus School of Architecture.
Books from the reference library, the most recent issues of periodicals, as well as particularly expensive or rare material are not on loan.
The loan period can be extended up to six times unless the material is reserved for another borrower. For VIPs, the loan period is 180 days if the material is not reserved by other users.
Interlibrary loans
The Library is happy to obtain books and articles from other libraries for students and employees at the school.
Materials from other libraries are subject to the rules stated here and to any additional rules laid down by the lending library.
If borrowed materials are not returned before the due date, a fee is payable.
From 15 October 2021, the amount of the fee will be determined in accordance with the following:
- Exceeding due date by 1 – 7 days: 5 DKK per unit
- Exceeding due date by 8 -29 days: 20 DKK per unit
- Exceeding due date by 30 days: 20 DKK per unit + replacement costs
If unpaid after three months, the claim is sent to debt collection through the Financial Administration Agency. The charge will be as above + a fee to the FAA.
Lost or damaged materials
For lost or damaged materials, which have not yet been recalled, the borrower will only be charged with the replacement costs. The borrower may ask for a bill on his or her own initiative to avoid late fees. If not, the Library sends a bill after having recalled the borrowed material a second time.
From 15 October 2017 the replacement costs equal the cost of the material, as well as an administration fee of 150 DKK per case.
In istuations of fee and compensation cases, the current rules in the “Bekendtgørelse af lov om forældelse af fordringer” are followed.
Exclusion from the library
Exclusion or limitations in the right to use the Library will be imposed if a borrower owes more than DKK 200.
During ongoing collection proceedings, a user’s rights to use the Library may also be restricted.
Borrowers can also be excluded on the grounds of having displayed undesirable behaviour, or if they repeatedly fail to return borrowed materials before the due date.
Regulations apply from 1 January 2014.