The school has set up various boards, councils and committees that contribute to the school’s quality assurance and help develop the school’s academic aspects within teaching and research. Here you can read more about the different boards, councils and committees.
The Academic Advisory Council
Internal academic discussions are located in The Academic Advisory Council, consisting of Rector (an ex-officio member), four members from the academic staff, a representative for the School’s students, as well as an observer for the administrative staff. The objective of the council is to advise the Rector on academic matters and be heard on matters pertaining to the School’s general interests as an artistic teaching and research institution.
More about The Academic Advisory Council
The Study Board
The Study Board is responsible to the Rector for the academic level of teaching, and for its organisation and implementation in accordance with the regulations currently in force.
The Research Committee
The Research Committee is responsible for developing and implementing the school’s research strategy, for drawing up proposals for rules and procedures for the school’s research, as well as for coordinating the school’s research activities on behalf of the Rector. The Committee comprises a chairman and four members, who are appointed by those members of the school’s staff who are qualified to carry out research.
More about The Research Committee
The Joint Corps of External Examiners
The school has a joint corps of external examiners. The corps is run in collaboration with Kolding School of Design and The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation.
More about The Joint Corps of External Examiners (in Danish)