Publication / 2015

Publication / 2015
In 2012 and 2013 a group of teachers from Aarhus School of Architecture visited Jørn Utzon’s holiday home Can Lis in Majorca. This visit has resulted in three pamphlets in the Arkipelaget series.
The first pamphlet, Essays, includes five essays by the authors.
The second pamphlet, Interviews, contains interviews with Kim, Jan and Lin Utzon, children of Jørn Utzon. The interviews are supplemented with photos from Can Lis by Torben Eskerod.
The third pamphlet is entitled Bagatelles and is based on registrations of irregularities in the house. The registrations were made during the visits in 2012 and 2013, and give, according to the authors, rise to a different interpretation of Can Lis and of the entire way we understand the work of Jørn Utzon.
The authors of the three pamphlets are Aida Espanyol Vilanova, Lars Holt, Rasmus Grønbæk Hansen, Gerard Reinmuth and Niels Nygaard. They conclude that:
”Discussing Utzon’s creative process as well as the changes he made to the house through its more than 40 years of existence, the essays, interviews and short descriptions or bagatelles document that Utzon was a highly pragmatic and unsentimental architect, reminding us that great architecture is created over time, before as well as after the first line is drawn and the last block of stone has been laid.”
The three pamphlets about Can Lis are the 8th, 9th and 10th in the Arkipelaget series of publications that present artistic development work. The pamphlets can be bought at Archi Tegn.
Title: Essays / Interviews / Bagatelles
Format: 24 x 28 cm
Published: 2015
Language: English
ISBN: 978-87-90979-51-5
Publisher: Arkitektskolens Forlag
Price: 100 DKK. The three pamphlets are sold as a package.
To date the Arkipelaget series includes 11 pamphlets:
Individual pamphlets are priced at 50 DKK