Publication / 2015

Publication / 2015
In the 11th edition of the Arkipelaget series two professors, an associate professor and eleven PhD students give their opinions on how their research relates to the school’s general vision: Engaging through Architecture. The publication also provides an overview of current PhD projects at the school.
The contributions are based on discussions within the PhD School. As stated in the preface:
“Engaging through Architecture is not only about giving answers. It is about asking interesting questions. This is reflected in the current publication, in which we have chosen to be open to and include a variety of ways and levels of engaging.”
Contributors to the publication: Professors Ruth Baumeister and Walter Unterrainer, Associate Professor Izabela Wieczorek and PhD Students Katrina Wiberg, Susan Carruth, Elizabeth Donovan, Birgitte Tanderup Eybye, Siv Stangeland, Espen Lunde Nielsen, Anna Holder, Mo Michelsen Stochholm Krag, Torsten Sack-Nielsen, Maya Lahmy and Anders Kruse Aagaard.
The publication is edited by Johan Verbeke, professor and head of the PhD School.
Title: Engaging through Architecture
Format: 24 x 28 cm
Published: 2015
Language: English
ISBN: 978-87-90979-51-5
Publisher: Arkitektskolens Forlag
Price: 50 DKK
Arkipelaget is a series of publications presenting artistic development work:
Individual pamphlets costs 50 DKK and can be bought at Archi Tegn.