In the FAQ below, you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions about admission as an international student at the Aarhus School of Architecture.
If you do not find an answer to your question, you are always welcome to contact the school’s international coordinator. You can find the contact information at the bottom of the page
How do I find housing in Aarhus?
There are several ways to find accommodation in Aarhus, read more at the page “International students housing”.
Which languages are spoken at the school?
Both Danish and English are spoken at the school. As an international student, you will be taught in English.
Which facilities does the school provide?
The school has many new facilities, such as the cafeteria, fabrication lab, and library. Read more about the facilities at the page “Student life”.
Where can I read more about the school?
The school’s student handbook provides answers to many of the immediate questions you may have about the education, the school, and its facilities.
Do I have to get a visa to study in Denmark?
Depending on your nationality, you may have to apply for a visa in order to study at the Aarhus School of Architecture.
What is the difference between being exchange or guest student?
Exchange student: You can become an exchange student if your home university has an exchange agreement with us. You will still be enrolled as a full-time student at your home university throughout your intended time with us.
Guest student: You may apply as a guest student if the university or school in which you are presently enrolled does not have a formal exchange agreement with us. You may have to pay tuition for your stay with us as a guest student.
How do I apply?
If you want to apply for an exchange or guest admission, you can read about the admission process and apply here.
What is the application deadline?
Application deadline is 1 May for the fall semester and academic year.
What is the tuiton fee?
The tuition for guest student applicants is:
- €13,000 per academic year (€6,500 per semester)
Exchange students are not charged tuition.
Applicants admitted as degree-seeking students will retain the tuition level throughout their programme as when admitted (students of the class of 2014 will pay €11,000 in tuition for the duration of their Program etc.).
Exempt from tuition are applicants holding permanent residence permit to the following countries:
- The EU countries, the EEA countries and the Nordic countries.
Applicants with status as refugees etc. in these countries may under certain circumstances be exempt from paying tuition. You should contact us, if in doubt.
We do not offer financial help to cover tuition and/or maintenance expenses.
When is the application deadline?
01 February
How do I apply for a full degree admission?
If you want to apply for a full degree admission, you can read about the admission process and apply here.
I am a Danish national with foreign application credentials. Must I apply as an international student?
Yes. This procedure must be used by all applicants who have been or are currently, studying with the aim of receiving non-Danish educational credentials.
Should the transcript be sent both in the original language and translated?
Yes, we would like to receive both versions.
May I email my recommendations to you instead of attaching them to the application?
You may, but in our experience, many recommendations do not reach us until after the evaluation has been carried out. We cannot stop the process in order to await a single recommendation. Sending recommendations by email is an option you should avoid, as we cannot guarantee that the recommendation will be paired with your application due to the large number of applications we receive.
How many do you accept?
We expect to admit 20 applicants.
I have not completed my Bachelor’s programme, can I still apply?
Yes, if you are on the final year of your programme and expect to obtain your Bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) by semester start (01 September).
May I send my language proficiency documentation by mail through the provider?
Yes. You may probably not find us on the mailing lists of the test providers, but if so, just send it to us by regular mail.