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Didakteket, Arkitektskolen Aarhus, Exners Plads, 8000 Aarhus C
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Event Details
Vi inviterer alle interesserede til årets første MorgenPerspektiv, hvor vi kigger på den grønne trepart. Og vi diskuterer, hvilke grundtanker, værdier og normer, der bør være en del af det
Event Details
Vi inviterer alle interesserede til årets første MorgenPerspektiv, hvor vi kigger på den grønne trepart. Og vi diskuterer, hvilke grundtanker, værdier og normer, der bør være en del af det forestående arbejde – uanset om man sidder i en kommune, styrelse, hos et landbrugscenter eller som rådgiver.
Der vil være debat og oplæg ved Ellen Braae, professor i landskabsarkitektur ved Københavns Universitet, Rasmus Ejrnæs professor i biodiversitet ved Aarhus Universitet og Martin Odgaard lektor ved Arkitektskolen Aarhus.
Arrangementet er gratis, men kræver tilmelding.
Perspektiv – viden & udvikling på abonnement
Arrangementet er en del af vores nye efteruddannelsestilbud ‘Perspektiv – viden & udvikling på abonnement’. Perspektiv er for dig, der vil være up-to-date med den nyeste viden om grønnere livsmiljøer. Medlemskabet er for dig, der arbejder med byer, steder eller rum og som vil være på forkant med de mest bæredygtige og nytænkende løsninger. I foråret 2025 kan du blive medlem til en særligt fordelagtig pris.
Læs mere om Perspektiv
(Thursday) 9:00 - 10:00
Didakteket, Arkitektskolen Aarhus, Exners Plads, 8000 Aarhus C
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Event Details
In this talk, drawing on the history of painting and his own practice, artist George Rouy will speak about the relationship between artistic process, image making and the human figure.
Event Details
In this talk, drawing on the history of painting and his own practice, artist George Rouy will speak about the relationship between artistic process, image making and the human figure. Finally, with special attention to Delacroix’s ‘Massacre at Chios’, Rouy will pose the question of what our relationship is with landscapes today, and how the visual arts might help us investigate this topic.
Introduction by Nikolaj Schultz. The talk is part of the Life Terrains lecture series.
Emerging as a leading figure of the new generation of painters, George Rouy’s (1994- ) dynamic and signature use of the human figure, in relation to the space it occupies, vexed with desire, alienation and crisis, speaks to the extremities of our time – from intensive properties of temperature, density and speed to extensive forms of mass, volume and entropy.
His lines of artistic inquiry – collective mass, multiplicity and movement – result in explorations of identity and embodiment, disorder, disorientation and disturbance in the 21st Century. Articulating a vocabulary of painting which is as distinctive as it is visceral, Rouy’s paintings are defined by contradictions: stasis and flow, precision and indeterminacy.
Working in this manner, he undermines the body and its landscape as fixed units, proposing instead a landscape of the body that he has described as “at war with itself”, one that constantly imagines and redefines itself through its relationship with itself, with others and with the world at large.
Following his highly acclaimed recent solo exhibitions BLEED I and BLEED II in London and Los Angeles (Hauser & Wirth), Rouy is currently working on a new painting for ‘Copistes’ a collaborative exhibition between the Musée du Louvre and Centre Pompidou-Metz, inspired by “The Massacre at Chios” by Eugene Delacroix in the collection of the Louvre, Paris.
(Monday) 16:00 - 18:00
Didakteket, Arkitektskolen Aarhus, Exners Plads, 8000 Aarhus C