11jan(jan 11)9:0016feb(feb 16)15:00ExhibitionCOGNITION, REPRESENTATION AND ANAGLYPHSExhibition in the canteen 11 January - 16 February(january 11) 9:00 - (february 16) 15:00 TYPE OF ACTIVITYExhibition


Event Details

Grab a pair of 3D-glasses and experience the exhibition Cognition, Representation and Anaglyphs that ponders the notion of seeing’s effect on objects through the technique of stereoscopic imagery.

The project is part of early-stage research by Jens Pedersen into representation, where the interest lies with the implicit information that makes it possible to represent objects (digitally) and how these can be used as a design approach.

The point of departure of the exhibition is to get a general understanding of how we see physiologically, and how this can be translated into a technological framework, where stereoscopic imagery can then be used as a means to enhance image perception in images or movies.

All images and animations in this exhibition were made to understand how stereo images work and to uncover their design potential. The images and animations were made through Rhino aided by Grasshopper3D.

Where: Aarhus School of Architecture, the canteen, Nørreport 18, 8000 Aarhus C
11 January – 16 February 2017, daily 09.00 – 15.00

Everyone is welcome to visit the exhibition.


January 11 (Thursday) 9:00 - February 16 (Friday) 15:00