05mayAll Day25augExhibitionCOLLECTIVE HARVESTINGAarhus 2017 exhibition by master students in the canteen(All Day) TYPE OF ACTIVITYExhibition


Event Details

Drop by the canteen and explore the exhibition Collective Harvesting by master students at Studio 2A. The exhibition shows the results of the studio’s work in the village of Barrit.

When: 5 May – 25 August, daily 9.00 – 15.00
Where: Aarhus School of Architecture, The Canteen, Nørreport 16, 8000 Aarhus C

Everybody is welcome, entrance is free.

Collective Harvesting

The students at Studio 2A focus on learning from obsolescence and creative thinking through technologies and environmental awareness. During their field work in Barrit, the students explored the following questions:

  • Is traditional farming becoming obsolete in Denmark?
  • How can we think and speculate on a different future for farming and the Danish countryside?

The exhibition Collective Harvesting display mappings of Barrit. The mapping includes themes like culture, environment, economy, politics and perception.

The exhibition also shows the studio’s “conceptual programme” which consists of ideograms, manifestoes, and architectural desires. The programme leads towards an architectural response to complex contextual situations.

Finally, the exhibition includes a documentary film from a town meeting in Barrit, where citizens were invited to talk about the future of the village.

The Barrit project is a contribution to the school’s Aarhus 2017-project Architecture Moves.


May 5 (Friday) - August 25 (Friday)