From Philosophical Revelation to Ecological Class Struggle and Co-existentialism.
This is a seminar featuring, among others, the Danish Sociologist Nikolaj Schultz, who worked closely with Bruno Latour. It is organized by
Event Details
From Philosophical Revelation to Ecological Class Struggle and Co-existentialism.
This is a seminar featuring, among others, the Danish Sociologist Nikolaj Schultz, who worked closely with Bruno Latour. It is organized by Research Lab 1 at The Aarhus School of Architecture.
13-13:15 Introduction: Latour and us
13:15-14:05 Niels Albertsen: Substance versus subsistence. An interpretation of Bruno Latour’s journey from philosophical revelation to Gaia
14:05-14:15 Questions of clarification
14:15-14:30 Break
14:30-15:10 Stefan Darlan Boris & Mo Krag: Experimenting with Radical Preservation in Bedsted
15:10-15:20 Questions of clarification
15:20-15:30 Break
15:30-16:20 Nikolaj Schultz: Ecological Class Struggle and co-existentialism: The Last(ing) Footsteps of Bruno Latour (will be streamed live)