Inhabiting Everyday Rituals 

27feb10:0012:00Ekstern kalenderInhabiting Everyday Rituals Lecture by Christine Bjerke10:00 - 12:00 Arkitektskolen Aarhus, Exners Plads 7, 8000 AarhusTYPE OF ACTIVITYEkstern kalender,Public lecture

Inhabiting Everyday Rituals 

Event Details

The lecture Inhabiting Everyday Rituals unfolds a series of everyday rituals situated primarily from within the home. However, being rituals always considered in relation to larger contexts beyond the physical and digital walls of the home itself. Through a series of exemplified rituals, the lecture brings forward studies of how design across scales might respond to these rituals and the possible relations between elements within the spaces. Intertwined into the lecture, a selection of references will add impressions and inspirations, expanding the perspectives of how these rituals and spaces might be inhabited.

About Christine Bjerke
Christine Bjerke is an architect, writer, and educator based in Copenhagen. She is a Teaching Assistant Professor at The Royal Danish Academy where she is teaching Urbanism & Societal Change and Spatial Design. She is founder of Christine Bjerke Studio, where she is working and collaborating on various research and design projects across scales and contexts. She is also co-founder of the organisations In-Between Economies and Building Diversity. Since 2015, she has been a frequent writer on design and architecture for Architect’s Journal AJ, ArchPaper, Archinect, MacGuffin Magazine, ED, Arkitekten, amongst others.


(Monday) 10:00 - 12:00


Arkitektskolen Aarhus

Exners Plads 7, 8000 Aarhus