PhD Defence: Building Relational Spaces

28feb13:0016:10Ekstern kalenderPhD Defence: Building Relational Spaces13:00 - 16:10 KØS, Nørregade 29, 4600 KøgeTYPE OF ACTIVITYEkstern kalender,Event

Building relational spaces

Event Details

Gitte Juul defends her PhD thesis, Building Relational Spaces, on 28 February 2022 at KØS in Køge. Book your ticket here.

You can also watch the defence online via Zoom.

Building Relational Spaces is an inquiry into the capacity of architecture to construct open, community-supportive, and responsive spaces that challenge the linearity of building and planning processes, – insisting on giving space and relevance to the vulnerable and un-represented in urban development.

More about the project.

  • 13:00 Welcome / Thomas Bo Jensen, Head of Research, Aarhus School of Architecture
  • 13:10 Lecture / Gitte Juul, PhD Fellow, Cand. aarch., Aarhus School of Architecture
  • 13:55 Examination / Laura Lieto, Professor, University of Naples Federico II
  • 14:25 Break
  • 14:40 Examination / Petra Čeferin, Associate Professor, University of Ljubljana
  • 15:10 Examination / Tom Nielsen, Professor, Aarhus School of Architecture (chairman)
  • 15:40 Contributions from the auditorium
  • 16:10 Closing / Thomas Bo Jensen, Head of Research, Aarhus School of Architecture

– afterwards drinks and snacks


The project is supported by Adapt-r, Aarhus School of Architecture, University of Ljubljana (Faculty of Architecture) and partially funded by Gitte Juul.






(Monday) 13:00 - 16:10



Nørregade 29, 4600 Køge