Research in the fields of design and architecture - Introductory PhD Course Part 2

26octAll Day27PhD CourseResearch in the fields of design and architecture - Introductory PhD Course Part 2(All Day) TYPE OF ACTIVITYEkstern kalender,Intern kalender,PhD Course

Understanding Play - Designing for Emergence

Event Details

24-25 September, 26-27 October 2020 at Aarhus School of Architecture and Design School Kolding.

Course instructors: Richard Herriot and Claus Peder Pedersen.

Target group: PhD fellows within design and architecture, and related fields in the early stages of their PhD.

ECTS Points: 6

The course gives a broad introduction to research within the fields of design and architecture aimed at PhDs in the early stages of their project. It will help PhDs to form a general understanding of research within the fields with a particular focus on research by design. It addresses questions of structuring research, developing research questions, planning of research, choice of methodologies and contextualisation of research.

The course will use the PhDs individual research projects as source material to help the participant to arrive at a better understanding of how to situate their research while developing and sharpening the focus, content and methodologies of the projects.

The first part of the course introduces research within the fields of design and architecture. We discuss the participant’s research projects through workshops. The role of the research question in the design fields is introduced.

The second part of the course addresses the choice of research methods and the formation of a research design to plan and structure the research process.

The course format includes lectures by instructors and guests, group discussions and workshops. Participation requires preparation (approximately three days) before and in between the two parts of the course as well as active participation in all course activities. Participants are encouraged to participate in all parts of the course, but it is possible to join parts. A reading list will be provided.

Please sign up by emailing Mia Mimi Flodager
Please attach a short description of your research project.
Deadline for signing up: 21 September 2020
The number of participants: Up to 12


october 26 (Monday) - 27 (Tuesday)