Publication / 2015

Publication / 2015
The information technology which supports the work of an increasing number of people sets us free from the limitations and boundaries of physical space. What does it mean when the office building changes from being a functional place that provides a setting for work equipment and contacts with colleagues to being the company’s physical marker of value and creator of identity?
Moreover, can the physical solidity of architecture gain new significance as an alternative to the frictionless digital world – as something that can offer tangible, bodily – and productive – resistance?
This was the wording of the introductory presentation for the OPEN ROOM seminar on the modern workspace – it is also some of the questions the publication attempts to answer.
The booklet contains contributions from:
Title: Moderne Arbejdsrum – Frihed vs. Friktion
Published: 2015
Language: Danish
ISBN: 978-87-90979-52-2
Publisher: Arkitektskolens Forlag
Binding: Softcover
Page count: 58
Price: 75 DKK
Download the publication as PDF:
OPEN ROOM is a series of five publications, which follows a series of seminars dealing with current themes in society.