First Drawing Of The Year

02sep(sep 2)21:0006(sep 6)15:21EventFeaturedFirst Drawing Of The YearRune Wriedt live-tegner i kantinen21:00 - 15:21 (6) TYPE OF ACTIVITYEkstern kalender,Event,Exhibition,Intern kalender

First Drawing Of The Year

Event Details

For syvende gang tegner en arkitekt live i kantinen direkte på væggen som en del af First Drawing Of The Year.

Denne gang er det Rune Wriedt, der endnu ikke er færdiguddannet, som med First Drawing Of The Year er med til at sparke gang i den internationale tegnekonkurrence Drawing Of The Year.

Rune Wriedt vil gennem hele ugen tegne direkte på væggen i kantinen, og fredag d. 6. september afsluttes projektet med en Artist Talk i kantinen klokken 14.

Rune Wriedt skriver selv følgende om sit tegne-projekt med titlen “A Stranger in a Foreign Land”:
“For me, the importance of the architectural drawing goes beyond the communication and representation of a project. Firstly, it’s physical nature connects our mind and body – when you draw, no matter what technique you use, you make something manifest in the world that only existed in your mind before. In this way, architecture becomes as much of a craft as that of the artist and the musician, a practical skill that must be honed. Secondly, the making of the drawing has a life of its own, and allowing yourself to not know where the drawing will take you is something that I am still learning – but the moment where you allow yourself to lose control and find the design emerging in front of your eyes is a magical one.”


2 (Monday) 21:00 - 6 (Friday) 15:21

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