Read about the programmes and admission criteria at Aarhus School of Architecture
Read about the programmes and admission criteria at Aarhus School of Architecture
The Aarhus School of Architecture is an independent Higher Education Institution offering programs within Architecture. The Architecture school is one of two National Institutions offering an artistically based Architecture education. All programs are research-based.
The Aarhus School of Architecture offers two educational programmes:
All programmes are full-time and can neither be completed as distance-learning programs nor taken online. There is a presence requirement, requiring students to be present on a daily basis in the studios.
All our programmes have limited acceptance capacity; thus, the available places are very few.
The Bachelor’s programme is taught in Danish ONLY, and the Master’s Programme can be completed in both Danish and English.
As all Architecture programmes in Denmark are taught in Danish only, you will need to have passed the Danish test for studies (Studieprøven i dansk). Find more information about this (and studies in Denmark in general)
Adding to this, the access to the Bachelor’s programme is decided through an admission test which consists of two parts; a home assignment and an in-situ test at the Aarhus School of Architecture. More information can be obtained through the link above.
On top of passing the admission test, your Ukrainian High School grade point average (GPA) must be at least 7.
If you have already been admitted to a programme of architecture in Ukraine, we will need your most recent transcript and portfolio to determine placement in case of admitting you.
Access to the Master’s Programme requires either a Danish Language Proficiency test (pls. see the language requirement for admission to the BA program) or an English Language test, please see language requirements.
Admission is decided upon two elements; transcript and portfolio.
The next admission deadlines will be 15 March (BA) and 1 February (MA) for the 2023 programme start.
NB. The permission to stay in Denmark as a displaced national of Ukraine is granted by the Danish Immigration Service (SIRI). Read more
Concerning the general situation for displaced Ukrainian nationals, we expect the current legislation for that category of citizens to be changed so that they are considered to have EU-citizen benefits, which includes:
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