The Research Committee consists of a chairman and four members who are appointed from among the members of the school’s staff who are qualified to carry out research. They are appointed to represent the various research practices on the school and to take strategic perspectives and subject areas into consideration.
One representative of the school’s PhD students is also on the committee. And the students can choose an observer with the right to speak in The Research Committee.
The responsibilities of the research committee
a. Strategic
It is the responsibility of The Research Committee to advise the Rector on the research and development activities of the Aarhus School of Architecture, including artistic development projects.
The Research Committee is also charged with making recommendations to the School’s rector on the research strategy of the Aarhus School of Architecture, including, among other things, laying down the framework for political issues concerned with research, recruitment, network building, dissemination as well as academic requirements for research and artistic development projects.
b. Priority and quality assurance
The Research Committee is tasked with formulating overall academic criteria for granting support to research and development projects and help assess applications for financial support for large-scale projects that involves external research funds.
Finally, it is the obligation of The Research Committee to assess research results and statistics and suggest possible follow-up actions.
Current members of the Research Committee:
- Thomas Bo Jensen (chairman), Head of Research, Professor
- Claus Peder Pedersen, Head of PhD School, MSO Professor
- Anders Kruse Aagaard, Associate Professor
- Martin Odgaard, Associate Professor
- Urszula Kozminska, Associate Professor
- Alberte Klysner Steffensen, PhD fellow
Secretary for the committee is Research Coordinator Hanne Foged Gjelstrup.
Research Committee meetings
The committee conducts at least two meetings per semester.
Approved minutes from the Research Committee meetings are available on Intra.

Charlotte Bundgaard

Works + Words Biennale 2026

Research group activities

EoS Project cases

EAAE/ARCC conference 2024

Re-scaling the Rural

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Aarhus School of Architecture
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